Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thermometer used as a monitoring device (Hafidha)

This morning after several rounds to find parking in the city center, I spent a few minutes to relieve stress’s traffic jam. Checking time in the dashboard, I noticed that the thermometer showed 22°C. Today is cold compared to the usual, I look behind and ahead the car to find the thermometer sensor and I wondered did they do mapping before installing the sensor, I don't know, but I knew that I have to hurry up, I didn't miss this opportunity to capture this photo with my mobile phone. As you notice below the digital thermometer there is another that indicates 90°C, probably this is the engine temperature.


  1. Thanks for the posting Hafidha. You captured 2 temperature monitoring in one photograph. It was surprising how relative is the "cold". Today it was around 13 deg C in Geneva, "warm" compared to yesterday's 8 deg C. Cheers UMIT

  2. We have similar photos on this one, I would very much like to be in 22 degrees right now....during this season in Ghana by afternoon we can have even 38-40 deg.C.
